Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ummm... No Catchy Title Today, Either

It's snowing here. A LOT. Which really sucks, because it is supposed to be spring. And guess what? I've got nothin'. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I had a whole bunch of free time this morning while Satan was in court, but I just couldn't bring myself to write. Why? Dunno. I guess I'm just feeling lazy and uncreative today. So I apologize, because even though I have absolutely no reason to feel guilty about not writing for one day, I do. Why? Because I am a people pleaser and I worry that if I do not do my "people pleasing job" I will be deserted and abandoned and no one will come to my blog anymore. So there you have it. What you get today is a whole lot of nothing, but it's still kind of something, so please don't desert me... ok?


Deirdre said...

Don't worry... silly.

Alice said...

IF YOU DON'T POST TODAY I'M NEVER COMING BACK EVER AGAIN, GOT IT?? hah. as opposed to myself, who clearly posts every single day. for weeks on end ;-) no worries! but. seriously. more tbote ;-)

Amber said...

I won't desert you. Ever. : )

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

It'll warm up soon enough... Then it'll be 90 degrees with 95% humidity...


I know, I'm such the optimist!

Cheryl said...

Aw Dasi, I won't ever desert you. Sometimes we writers need a break from it all.

luvwannabefree25 said...

Happy St. Pats day... Hi...

Amanda said...

still here. :) you're cute. don't're loved.

KC said...

Wouldn't dream of deserting you. And if it makes you feel any better, there's snow here too.