Monday, March 13, 2006

Ignorance is (NOT) Bliss

Over the past several days, I found myself shaking my head in amazement. First while reading the comments on a fellow blogger’s post, then while watching the pilot episode of Black. White. on FX that I had tivo’d. I guess I am just extremely naïve, because I had no idea that ignorance is still such a problem in today’s society.

Let’s begin with the blog.

I’m pretty sure that most people are aware that a blog is supposed to be the writer’s way of expressing their own thoughts and feelings. No two blogs are ever going to be identical, just as no two people are. A blog takes on the personality of the author, because in essence, it IS the author. There is no censorship in the world of blogging, and comments are welcomed on most of them. For the most part, I find that commenters are very productive. They give support, encouragement, kudos. Sometimes they offer constructive criticism. On occasion, they will disagree with the writer’s opinion, and a friendly debate may ensue. But on Timmortal’s recent blog, he was slammed and criticized for the use of the word “fuck.”

Because he dared to use a four-letter word in the telling of a gritty, personal story, he was judged. Because, apparently, there are some people who are offended by nasty little swear words. Give me a break. In all three segments of an extremely well-written story, the use of the word totaled an astounding SIX TIMES. Six times in exactly 1,717 words that were written in all three segments. That comes to, what, not even a ½% of the story. But instead of focusing on what Tim was trying to express, they chose to focus on a miniscule part of it and blow it all out of proportion. Tim responded appropriately by suggesting that maybe they ought to find new reading material, but they continued on. And on. And on.

What these people fail to realize is that the world is not a perfect place. The word “fuck” does indeed exist, and whether or not it is offensive to some people is irrelevant. It is a strong, vulgar word that when used is done so to express a feeling so beyond what you are feeling that no other word could possibly fit. It is hate, and anger, and grit, and despair, and frustration. Not necessarily good things, but human emotions – and strong ones. Now, obviously you don’t want your five year old walking around saying “fuck fuck fuck,” but five year olds are usually not reading these blogs. Nor should they be. I don’t think Tim makes “fuck” an integral part of his vocabulary around his daughters, but if he wants to use it in his writing, no one has the right to condemn him for it.

Almost the entire rap and hip hop industry is well acquainted with the word “fuck.” For that matter, lots of rock and alternative musicians enjoy using it as well. Because sometimes there just isn’t any other word that does the job. If you don’t like it, don’t listen, or don’t read. But please stop flaunting your ignorance by suggesting that someone is “bad” or “immature” or “vulgar” for expressing themselves in a way you would prefer not to. Everyone has the right to make their own choices, and not everyone makes the same ones. Choose to use the word “fuck,” or choose not to. Choose to read people’s work, or choose not to. If you are offended, by all means, stop reading whenever you see that word. And leave. Other people may choose not to give a damn what you think.

The second thing that made me see red was the new tv show Black. White. (Ha – pun intended on the color reference!) I sat down to watch this self-proclaimed “experiment” with Lexie, and not even a quarter of the way into it I was pissed. First of all, I was expecting a legitimate “experiment.” One where both families were open to discovering about racism and acceptance and how it was to walk in someone else’s shoes. What it turned out to be was a display of the most sickening arrogance and ignorance on the part of the white couple that I had ever seen. I seriously think the producers went out looking for the most obnoxious “oh, we’re SO TOTALLY not prejudiced!” white couple they could find. People who really were so ignorant that the father actually told the black family that he was “just waiting for someone to walk up and call me nigger” while he was in his black makeup. UGH! Even typing that word bothers me, yet this moron continued on, telling the openmouthed black family that all they need to do is “not let it affect them” and then “the word would lose its power.” Even my DAUGHTER looked at me and said, “Is he SERIOUS?”

The show continued on, with the black family in their white makeup discovering that things definitely were different on “the other side.” But rather than get angry about it, they were more philosophical. They tried to get down to the core of the experiment, which was why? Why are things still happening this way, even in the 21st century, when people are supposedly so big on equality? Then we’d go back to the moron white family. With Mr. White walking around as a back man and trying to prove that it was all about your attitude, not your color. So he basically became Johnny Mathis and freaked out real black people and made white people nervous as well. The only person in the white family I think has any clue is the daughter. She is genuinely sincere in her effort to learn something, even though she went to a slam poetry reading and told the group of young black poets that her favorite artist “would have to be The Cranberries.” This was met with dead silence, but to her credit, she made fun of herself in a voiceover immediately after her remark. And saved herself with the group by commenting on “diversity.” Ha! Good for her.

Apparently this show only gets worse, as the previews for the next episode show Mrs. White Lady crying because Mrs. Black Lady got offended when she called her a certain word. Mrs. White Lady was whining “but I thought it was a word you people used affectionately!” The word? “Bitch.” I kid you not. This crazy white woman thought that all black women called each other “bitch.” I almost hope she goes into Ice Cube’s ‘hood and tries that. STUPID!!!! But it would make for good tv, no? Heh.

You know, as a writer (or as an aspiring one, at least) it really burns me to see intolerance and ignorance on ANY level. I try to teach my daughter to be open to people of all colors, sexual preferences, religions – whatever. I also try to teach her not to be afraid to express herself. To talk to me about ANYTHING. And yes, if my daughter walked up to me and said “fuck you” right now, I would probably ground her until she was eligible for social security, but when she is an adult she can say whatever she wants. It is her right.

Hmmm. I just realized that there are a lot of nasty words in this post. So if this offends anyone – don’t read it. Believe me, I won’t be offended if you choose not to. In fact, if you are that bothered by it, I probably don’t want you reading anyway.


Anonymous said...

As they say in the military, "Fuckin' A!" ;)

Pivoney said...

Who the fuck are you to fucking judge someone else for their fucking own personal fucking comments? They have the gosh darn fucking right to fucking say anything they fucking please. Fuck, I personally was pissed fucking off that that fuck T-moble posted his fucking blog in a fucking audio so that I couldn't fucking hear it because my dumb fuck system doesn't fucking allow it.

By the way, the seen in Jerry Maguire where the little boy says "You said fuck... I won't tell" is priceless.

Deirdre said...

You really should be the Lawyer. You know that though.

Shine on Dasi, shine on!

Cheryl said...

Wow Dasi. You know I feel the same way about the word "fuck" but you expressed it so well! I couldn't even pinpoint it until you did! You are so right of course that people should just not read or watch things that offend them. Not get in other people's faces about it.

I had heard about black.white but alas, i do not have FX. Sounds like Mrs. White would cause me to scream "fuckity fuck fuck fuck" from the ignorance though.

Oh, and you ARE a writer!