Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Beginning of the End, Part XI

My week in Reno was enough to convince me that I loved it there, and I loved Kevin, so my first agenda when I got home would be to pack up and book the soonest flight available so I could come back permanently. Kevin and I discussed this at length during my visit, and we also discussed it with Matt. Matt and I got along really well, and I had no problem with him staying with us. But he insisted that after he got a job he would look for his own place, and leave us alone. Kevin and I told him there would be no rush.

The whole time I was there, I was filled with excitement thinking of my new life ahead. Kevin took me to the casinos, whose adrenaline-surged atmosphere made my heart race. We walked along Virginia Lake and fed the ducks, while looking at the mountains in the background. I met Linda and Chris, whose throwback hippie style relaxed me and made me laugh. And not once did Kevin or I even bring up the subject of partying. Of course, we did drink at the casinos, but that was the extent of it. Besides, how could you pass up an opportunity to drink for free? He showed me how you could get a roll of nickels for $2.00 and order free drinks while playing the slots one nickel at a time. And SOMETIMES even win a couple bucks!

We had a fantastic week, and the day before I left, as we were walking down the block to the condo, we came across some kids sitting on their front lawn with a big cardboard box. Our curiosity got the better of us, and when we got close enough, we saw that there were about seven little kittens mewing frantically inside. Almost instinctively, I reached in and picked up a tiny black and white ball of fluff that immediately started purring. Kevin looked at my pleading eyes, and reached over to pet the little guy, who looked up at him and went, “Schmau!” in a squeaky kitten voice. So the day before I left, one free kitten named “Schmauser” became Kevin’s companion until I returned.

It was a bittersweet goodbye, since we both knew it was only a matter of time before I returned for good. When I got back to Chicago, I informed my parents of my intentions. While not thrilled, they heard the determination in my voice and decided (correctly) that it would be useless to try to talk me out of it. They helped me pack when it came time to go, and three weeks after I ended my vacation they drove me to the airport for my flight back to Reno, my new home.

I cried as I hugged my mom and dad, and promised to call often, but beyond my tears was an excitement I could barely contain. Waiting in Reno-Canon Airport would be the man that I loved, ready to take me to OUR home, to OUR kitten (even after knowing him only a day, I missed the little guy!), to OUR new life together. I spent the flight reading a book but barely comprehending WHAT I was reading most of the time. My mind was just too preoccupied with the adventure that lay ahead.

When I got off the plane and saw Kevin standing just beyond the gate, I knew I had made the right decision. We made our way to the baggage claim to pick up the various suitcases, boxes and Hefty bags which contained my life. “What, are you moving in?” he joked.

I smiled and kissed him. “Yup.”

On the drive home (home – it still seemed unreal that Reno was now my home) I told Kevin how I had already contacted the Olive Garden about a job, since I had worked at Red Lobster back in Chicago and they were both owned by the same corporation I was pretty much hired already. But I had to meet with the manager in two days. He seemed impressed, then without looking at me casually mentioned that he wasn’t having as much luck in finding a job. But he would – he was quick to assure me – I shouldn’t worry. Besides, he still had PLENTY of money left. Oh, and Matt? He had decided that he was in no hurry to move out after all. And hadn’t found a job, either.

At that point, I wasn’t worried too much, after all, MY job was pretty much guaranteed, and I had faith that Kevin would find one soon. I was determined to think only of the good things – the fact that we were back together, for one. Then Kevin announced that he had a surprise for me when we got home. I begged and pleaded for him to tell me, but he kept refusing with a teasing grin, insisting that I would have to wait until we got home and I was partially unpacked.

I let Kevin do most of the unloading for me, as I raced up the stairs of the condo with my suitcases that held most of my toiletries and some clothes. I was greeted by Schmauser at the door, who let out his trademark “Schmau!” upon seeing me. I stopped to pet him, then continued to carry my stuff into the bedroom as he weaved himself in between my legs with every step, seemingly trying to stop me from moving forward. “Stop it, goofy!” I laughed, as I set down my load.

“Where’s Matt?” I called out to Kevin, noticing how quiet the place was.

“He ran out for a while. He’ll be back later. We were planning to visit a couple of his friends in Carson City later, if you’re up for it,” he replied.

I wandered back into the living room and sat at the built in counter facing the kitchen. Kevin finished bringing up my stuff and disappeared into the bedroom. “What are you doing?” I called.

“Wait ONE minute…” he yelled.

I sat on my stool, looking around the place. My home. MY home. OUR home. A new beginning, one that I was sure would be the start of a life filled only with good things and happiness. I was finally in Reno, permanently, with my Kevin, I had a job set up – nothing could change the fact that the future looked bright.

And then Kevin walked out of the bedroom.

“The shit out here is UNBELIEVEABLE, babe,” he said, holding out the still-smoking pipe. “Have a hit.”


Alice said...

so i finally just went back and reread all the past installments... OH MY GOD this is crazy!!! how can all the rest of the people who have actually been reading the story the whole time wait in between installments? MORE!!! :-)

honkeie said...

Yes Reno has soooome good shit lol

Amber said...

See how everybody loves this story? Now I'm no longer the only crazy person begging for more installments. And Hope said it -- it should be a book. Though I think I may have also said that at some point...

dasi said...

Admittedly, it WOULD be nice to publish this once I get to the end of the story... in the meantime, doing it piece by piece makes telling the whole thing less daunting!! Thanks for the compliments - you guys keep me going...!

And can I just say (a preview, if you will) Reno was probably the most insane time of my life...

Kiki said...

Love it.