Wednesday, November 30, 2005

When I Can't Sleep...

This is what went on in my head last night while I was lying in bed and couldn’t sleep:

Wow. That was a really good episode. I probably shouldn’t have stayed up to watch the whole thing. Oh, well. It’s only, what? 11:30? So, say, almost seven hours of sleep. That’s plenty. Man, Christian is unbelieveable. But it was SO vintage Christian to be acting that way. And the Carver? I think it’s that Bobbolitt guy. I THINK. Wait, did he die last season? Hmmm. I can’t remember. I’ll have to check online tomorrow at work. And you can’t fight the tears that ain’t coming, or the moment of truth in your lies, when everything seems like the movies, yeah you bleed just to know you’re alive. Why do I like that song? I thought it was more romantic… Oh, wait, that’s right. It’s the first part that’s romantic. I’d give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow, you’re the closest to heaven that I’ve ever been and I don’t want to go home right now.. . And all I can taste is this moment, and all I can breathe is your life, cause sooner or later it’s over, I just don’t want to miss you tonight. Yeah, that’s pretty. I really like that song. They played that at Danny’s wedding, and I wanted to cry. How silly of me. Uh, oh. 11:54. Maybe I’ll change the alarm. Yeah, I can wake up at 6:45 and still have plenty of time. Ok, then. Hmmmm. I have to go pee. But I’m cold. Oh, the hell with it. I’d better go… Ok, back under the covers. Why are my feet so cold? This is crazy! Come on, flannel sheets, warm my feet up! Wow, only a week from Saturday is the concert. What should I wear? Probably what I wore for my birthday. Yeah, I liked that. I wonder if I can sneak my camera in. Better not, just in case. I don’t want them confiscating it. Besides, it’s hard to focus with all the lights and movement. Let’s see, the concert is the day after payday… how much money should I bring? I definitely need a new t-shirt. And I want to get a Lenny Kravitz one too. That’s probably about $80 right there, at least. Oh, hell, I’ll just bring the charge card. But ONLY for the shirts. Screw it, I don’t want to worry about money now. I HAVE to get to sleep! 12:20. Damn. Stop looking at the clock. That’s why you can’t sleep, dummy. I could stay awake just to hear you breathing, watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you’re far away and dreaming, I could spend my life in this sweet surrender, I could stay lost in this moment foreeeeeeeverrrrrrrr… Oh, I really hope they play that song. But that song makes me sad, too. Bet it wouldn’t make me sad if I had a boyfriend, though. Then again, what if we broke up? What if I thought of that song with my boyfriend and then we broke up and every time I heard that song I thought of him? That would really suck. Because I REALLY like that song. And that would so totally ruin it for me. Ok, this is just wrong. It is almost 12:45. Why can’t I sleep? Ok, maybe I’ll take a unisom. Let’s see. Shit, it says that I should allow at least 8 hours sleep time. I don’t have 8 hours. I have – let’s see – 6? Ok, I can move the alarm up to 7, I guess. That gives me about 15 more minutes. What if I take this though and I don’t wake up when the alarm goes off? That would be bad. Lexie would probably freak out if she couldn’t wake me up. Oh, please! I’ll wake up. This is ridiculous. Just take the stupid thing… There. Ok. Think sleepy thoughts. I’m so tired. I’m so tired. I’m so tired. No, I’m not. I’m wide frickin awake and I don’t know why. It’s that damn Nip/Tuck. I should NOT have watched that right before bed. Too much adrenaline useage. Sigh. What will I write on my blog tomorrow? I wonder if anyone commented on yesterday’s. Did I comment on everyone’s yesterday? Uh, oh, I don’t think so. I’m slacking off. I wonder if Slacker is mad at me for sympathizing with that woman. I hope not. I just felt bad for her since she lost her son. That choking game is insane. Lexie had better never do that. I’d kill her! Well, maybe not, that kind of defeats the purpose. I can’t think of anything to write tomorrow. You’d think I could come up with SOMETHING while I’m just lying here. Maybe I’ll write about the family. Or my friend who was like that pathetic chick on Nip/Tuck last night. I love my blog. I love my blog friends. They probably think I’m weird. They probably think I am a big loser with no life. Oh, well. I don’t care, I like them anyway. How insane is it that I can actually imagine hanging out at a huge blog convention with people I’ve never met before? Ha! A big blog convention! Like a big DOG convention. Or big FROG convention. Or big SMOG convention. Hey, we could have it in LA, then! Ha! This stupid pill isn’t working. It’s just making me feel loopy. My brain is swirling around and around. I think I’m getting dizzy. But I still can’t sleep. Ok, back to the blog convention. That would be fun. At least, I think so. Just a bunch of strangers hanging out and drinking and having fun. Wait, that’s kind of like just going to a bar, isn’t it? Wellll, not REALLY, because a blog convention wouldn’t really be STRANGERS… Whatever. Like it would really happen, anyway. Right. Besides, where would we go? If Linda still had a blog we could all go to Cozumel. That would be fun. And exotic. I like exotic trips. I want to take a vacation. Lexie wants to go to Universal Studios. So do I. All my life I’ve wanted to go on that “Jaws” ride. I have a feeling it’s going to be a huge letdown after all these years. But I still want to go. Maybe in a couple of years. Got to pay those bills, first. And get new windows. Lexie’s room feels like it is inhabited by an evil presence. I have never felt a room so freezing cold. Good thing I’ve got my king-size bed for her to share. Otherwise she’d be sleeping on the couch. No way she could sleep in there. She’d die of pneumonia. Ok, it CANNOT be 1:30. NO WAY. I am going to be sooo tired tomorrow. That’s it. No more thinking. Just SLEEP, dammit. Ok, go….. Can’t do it. All right, time to go to extremes. Let’s count back from 100. No, a MILLION. Just in case. Ok. One million. Nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine. Nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety eight. Nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety seven…..


Amber said...

I don't think you're weird at all. I think you're a hoot.

As your blog friend, I will also say, dude - I love you too. I'm so glad we "met". It would be so fun to hang out. If I ever make it to Chicago, well, we're totally going out.

Oh, and also? On the preview for Nip/Tuck it looked like Kimber was writing to Christian from a place with bars. What was that about? Why'd she leave him? WHAT DID I MISS???

Anonymous said...

Funny, when I can't sleep I fixate on all the cool things I should be writing in my blog. Sadly, when I finally have time, I can't remember any of them!

As for getting over the "That was our song" blues, I have a rememdy. The next time you're "with" a guy, in the Biblical sense, play that other guy's song in the background. It'll be like rubbing it in, so to speak. You'll never remember that song the same way again!

Kiki said...

I knew the Carver got Kimber!! I knew it! When she was sitting in the room waiting to get married she looked up and it sounded like a door. Oooooh I love Nip/tuck!!

dasi said...

Amber – Boy, you REALLY need to catch up on Nip/Tuck. Kimber didn’t leave him, she was TAKEN!!! I’ll e-mail you more on that… and for sure we’ll party if you come to Chicago – or if I go to Denver, right?? ;)

Hope – Men suck when they ruin perfectly good songs.

Network Geek – Oh, that has happened to me, too! I guess it just depends on my mindframe… And thanks for the tip!

Kiki – Do you realize there are only like three or four episodes left??? This season went by WAYYYY too fast!!

Linda – Ok, I’ll keep looking for your blog. Better yet – e-mail me when it’s back, so I don’t get let down on a daily basis… ;) My convention will be worked out someday – and OF COURSE there will be name tags!! Obviously you will be one of the first to know, since we will be coming ot your “turf!”