Friday, November 04, 2005

Scary Hair-y

I hate my hair and I want to cry. I spent $200 on a cut and highlight (I have A LOT of hair), and last night she left it kind of damp because it was getting late. So, I figured it looked dark because it wasn’t totally dry. But this morning when I got up – IT WAS BROWN. And it is ugly. I HATE IT. I have had blonde highlights like forever – and I HATE how I look with dark hair.

So I called the stylist and told her we had a problem – that my hair was wayyy too dark. She said she used the exact stuff she used last time, and it couldn’t be that dark (well, uh, yes it is). But she told me I could either come in right away and she could fix it, or I could give it about a week and see if it lightens after being washed a few times. I told her I would wait, only because it takes like at least two or three hours to color my hair.

But I’m thinking maybe I’ll just wash and dry it seven times tonight and see what happens, since I’m going out for my BIRTHDAY next Saturday and refuse to show up with UGLY BROWN HAIR. Well, not really. The washing seven times part, I mean. Obviously I can’t really do that tonight. But I’m not giving it a week, I’m giving it until Wednesday. Because I’m not taking any chances of it not being fixed by next Saturday.

So now I just have to avoid mirrors until then, because every time I see my UGLY BROWN HAIR I want to cry. And because I scared Lexie by constantly raging about how UGLY my hair was this morning. Her comment? “It doesn’t look THAT bad, mom.” Which translates to “Gee, it really IS ugly…” since she usually tells me how beautiful I am no matter what.

Oh, well. I think I am done ranting for the time being. But this hair had BETTER lighten up one way or another, or heads will roll.


Amber said...

I have had scary hair as well. I love my hairdresser, but I'm always worried that one day she'll accidentally cut my hair horribly wrong. My new fabulous hair color was her doing, and it was the first time I've ever gotten my hair colored professionally -- usually my mom does it -- and I was apprehensive. But it all turned out ok. And your hair will too -- I'm confident of it.

Marissa said...

I TOTALLY understand what you mean. Hair is a very big deal, and when you're not comfortable with it, well it just makes you feel badly about yourself. I know, I've had more than 2 mullets in the past year alone! Haha. Well I hope the excessive washing works, it should definitely fade. I've tried that before, too. ;) Good luck!

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I'm just going gracfully gray in all the right places on my grape...

BB said...

one time, in high school, kendra helped me dye my hair grey and I cried and cried. The box said "ash blonde." HA! I look like a 16 year old grandmother. It could be worse!

dasi said...

Well, my hair looks much better now – as you know. But thank you all for making me feel better! Thomas & Monica (yes, I’ve been reading your work – good stuff!) welcome and hope you enjoy my ramblings. Linda – WHERE DID YOUR BLOG GO??? Send me the soup psychically – or better yet, just drop on by the bar here in IL Saturday night! ;)