Monday, November 07, 2005

Nothing to Say...

I really can’t think of anything to write about today. I’m not in the mood to do another TBOTE episode (maybe tomorrow), and it actually has been pretty busy here, so I am actually being forced to concentrate on work. This means that there isn’t enough room in my brain to think of anything witty or important to blog about.

Oh – my hair did lighten, so thank you to all who were so supportive in my time of need! It looks A LOT better than it did on Friday, and I only had to wash it like three times. Actually, it looked way better after the first wash – so maybe I shouldn’t have jumped the gun. Then again, it’s pretty much in my nature to panic over everything.

It was a pretty quiet weekend – I am almost embarrassed to admit that I went to bed at 8:30 on Saturday night while Lexie spent the night by her friend’s house. But it felt sooooo good… The way I look at it, better to be that tired this past Saturday than this COMING Saturday, since I am going to be out having fun and partying and can’t allow myself to be tired (by the way, you all have your travel arrangements made to get here, right? Famous Freddie’s in Mount Prospect Saturday night…!). I saw my brother and sister-in-law on Sunday, she looks so cute with her little tummy now! Hard to believe in just over three months the baby will be here. She is just getting over shingles, too, the poor thing. But she looked really good on Sunday, and everything is going well. Unfortunately, my brother seems to have a touch of the flu or something, so they left pretty much as soon as we finished breakfast. His new job has him working in Florida Monday thru Friday and flying home every weekend for the rest of the month. I’m sure this schedule isn’t helping with his health, either. But, you do what you gotta do, especially with a little one on the way.

It was really pretty funny after breakfast – Lexie and I went back to my mom’s for a while, and Lexie was lounging in this armchair in her den. The wall behind her is my mom’s “Lexie Wall” – she’s got a bunch of framed pictures of her only grandchild hanging there. So I take this opportunity to mess with my child (because that’s part of the fun of being a parent, don’t you know?) and casually tell her, “You know, once the baby is born, Grandma is going to take down ALL those pictures and replace them with pictures of the baby. She’ll probably put all THOSE pictures under her bed, or something.”

Well, you should’ve seen the look on her face. It was classic! Pretty much a combination of shock, anger, fear and melancholy. Of course, my mother overheard me, and was quick to come in and say, “I would NEVER! You are my FIRST grandchild and will ALWAYS be special to me!” To which Lexie responded, “Yeah, well, you’d BETTER not move my pictures!” I couldn’t resist, I had to keep goading her. “Know what, Lexie? When I was growing up, Grandma had pictures of ME all over the wall of our house, then when Uncle Bob was born – my pictures? Gone. ALL of them.” I know, I’m really mean, but it was fun. Since I kept laughing, she knew I was kidding, and you know damn well Grandma wouldn’t let her continue to think that anyway. I think Lexie got a few extra hugs, some candy and consolation from her just to be sure. All I got from my mom was a dirty look. Go figure.

Oh, just in case anyone has been wondering about Squirreltopia? I am starting to get a bit concerned. The squirrels seem to be putting on a bit more weight than normal squirrels should… actually, they are beginning to look a bit like jumbo mutant squirrels. And this fact became even more apparent when one of them innocently tried to jump from one tree branch to another. This seemingly normal action squirrels generally do every day proved to be a bit more difficult for him – because the branch he jumped to bent pretty much to the ground from his weight. Funny? Hell, yes! But I’m thinking it may be time to cut back on the peanuts a bit. Then again, if I do that, I may have a squirrel revolt on my hands. Of course, there is an upside to their girth – I doubt any squirrels will be able to fit into the gutters or attic vents… Ha! I’ll keep you posted.

Ok, so that’s it for today. Hopefully I will be more inspired tomorrow – unless anyone has any topic suggestions…?


Tim Hillegonds said...

You just wrote a whole lot for not having much to say. I'm just sayin...

Amber said...

Oh don't listen to Tim. From one fellow rambler to another, I enjoyed the post. Oh the curse of writer's block...

dasi said...

Yes, you're right, Tim... kind of scary, isn't it? Sometimes that stuff just happens...

dasi said...

Thanks, Amber!

JillWrites said...

I'm glad your hair improved, because mine was butchered this week. I feel like Samson.

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I have an answer for Squirreltopia...

Here in West Virginia squirrels that big would go great in a stew...

Only joking!
