Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Party Time!

Wow, I had no idea how far behind one could get when they are away from a computer for four days!! I have many many blogs to read and comment on, and hopefully I will get a chance to do all that soon. But first things first. I know just how anxious everyone has been to hear about my ONE NIGHT OUT this year (well, until I go see Aerosmith in December at least), so without further adieu, here we go!

As it turned out, Briesen (my YOUNG friend who also tortures – I mean, TRAINS – me at Curves) offered to pick me up and drive me to Freddie’s. She was arriving at 7:45, so I was able to leisurely get ready and enjoy some watermelon vodka/lemonade drinks at home while I did so. I popped in my self-mixed “Let’s Go Out” CD and enjoyed all kinds of fun music, too. Now, I may have had my first drink at around 5:00, but at that point I was drinking s l o w l y, especially because it is awfully hard to put on makeup if you are too buzzed. I think I may have had three teeny, tiny drinks by the time Briesen got to my house, but that is irrelevant. (Well, actually it is NOT irrelevant, since it is something important to remember by the end of my saga.)

So I am already feeling pretty happy, looking good (at least, I thought so), and was ready to continue the night. We picked up her man, and made it to Freddie’s by 8:15. A couple friends were already there waiting, and shortly thereafter several more made it in. Final count was about 15 or so people, so I felt loved. The balloons were a big hit, as you can see from the photos. (I still want to know what Mexican family uses those for their children’s parties. “Squiggly Worm Balloons” my ass!) My drink was never empty – so at best count I think I had one drink all night. (Oh, and the three at home.) I do believe I may have indulged in a shot or two, which I usually never do, but hey, it was my BIRTHDAY, right?

The drummer from the band kept coming up to our table and hitting on me, and when he asked how old I was, I told him “28.” With a straight face. And guess what? He totally believed me!! I think one of my so called “friends” may have said, “No, she’s not! She’s 37!” but I don’t think he heard them. Unfortunately, I am not too sure whether or not he was cute, but obviously he didn’t make too big of an impression on me if I can’t remember that. Apparently even after I left, he was looking for me. Poor guy.

My brother and sister-in-law showed up, and I asked Bob if he would watch Lexie so I could join Fig and become a pirate. But he said no, so I guess I will not be doing any pillaging or plundering. Bummer. I got to share some fun Bob stories with my sister-in-law, and he didn’t even yell at me for doing so. Finally, my dear sweet bro decided it was time for me to go home. Bless his heart.

I wasn’t quite ready, because I had lost my friends Marilyn and Liz, but he insisted that they would be just fine, and that he really thought it best that I come with him and Sarah. Of course, I gave in, and wobbled with him out to the car. (The sad thing is, it was barely past midnight at this point, so I really must be getting old.)

When I got home, I decided I was hungry (as per usual) and decided to make a frozen pizza. Although this was definitely a better idea than deciding to say, attempt to drive to McDonald’s, it was probably not as smart as deciding to pop something in the microwave. I did get my pizza, after I fried the back of my hand on the oven grate and set off the smoke alarm. (Let me tell you too, it is REALLY hard to balance on a kitchen chair to remove a smoke alarm’s battery when you are intoxicated.) So now I have an ugly momento on the back of my right hand. Kind of looks like a lipstick streak, actually. Which is what I thought it was when I first woke up, only it wouldn’t wash off.

My thoughtful brother called me at 10:30 to make sure I was still alive, and I assured him I was and thanked him for the ride home. He told me it was no problem, and that nothing good happens after midnight anyway. At least, not when you’re my age, I guess! So all in all, it was a good night, and I really enjoyed myself. A lot of laughs, and a lot of drinking, and really great company. But maybe next year, I won’t start drinking quite so early!!

Here's Briesen and her boyfriend Gary with one of our party balloons.

And Julie with her "balloons..."

And Marilyn with hers.

Here's a nice picture of my brother Bob and my sister-in-law Sarah. Just three more months until my niece or nephew is here!!

This is my cousin Katie and her boyfriend, Jeff. Since she just turned 21 last December, this was her first foray into one of my legendary birthday outings.

Here's me, Marilyn and Liz, Marilyn's sister-in-law. Obviously I was blitzed, I HATE getting my picture taken!!

Finally, a nice shot of Marilyn, Jeff (a different Jeff, not my cousin's boyfriend) and Liz.


Amber said...

Looks like you had a GREAT birthday. Linda and I were talking on instant message Saturday night (speaking of party animals) and trying to figure out a way to send you some soup.

By the way, your hair color looks great and I had no idea your hair was so long! Pretty!

Alice said...

"party balloons" eh? hehehe....

that looks fabulous! nothing better than friends + booze + penis balloons to make a bday extra special. hee. you look fab for 28 ;-)

Miladysa said...

Great photographs! Glad you enjoyed yourself.

Mightly impressed that you are going to see Aerosmith in December! Crazy, crazy, crazy! Love it :)

Kiki said...

Lots of fun!!!! Liked the pictures!

dasi said...

Hey, Amber - what happened to Linda?? Tell her I miss her!! And it's probably best I never got the soup, just think what may have happened had I actually turned on a burner Saturday night...!

I'm glad everyone else enjoyed the pics - oh, yes, it was fun!! And my hair - loooong and verrrrry thick. I have been threatened with physical violence if I ever consider cutting it short. (which I wouldn't anyway) But it is a royal pain and it is usually in a ponytail. Thanks for the compliments, tho!!