Tuesday, October 04, 2005

No, Thank You

So, it has been like 3½ months or so since I have had a man in my life. Which actually is no big deal, Lord knows I have gone A LOT longer. Like YEARS longer. With absolutely no problem at all. See, I have been on my own and independent for so long, I have gotten pretty used to it. Which isn’t to say I would MIND having a man in my life, but it’s not a top priority for me.

But apparently it is a priority for others.

I have an aunt who has supposedly found me the “perfect” man. He works in her building and has a “little ponytail” and is “soooo cute!” He is “super nice” and very “artsy,” and lives in a building owned by his father. He is in his mid-thirties and has never been married, and she asked if she could give him my phone number.

Ummmm, let me think about this… NO!!!!

At my age, I have decided that I have no desire to get “set up” with anyone. I don’t care how wonderful or smart or good-looking or rich (well, maybe really really rich would change my mind) the guy is, I DON’T WANT TO MEET HIM. At least not on a “blind date” setting. And I DON’T want said guy to have my phone number, because let’s face it, you can TOTALLY click over the phone, then meet and have no chemistry whatsoever. And my time is valuable. To me, at least. According to my aunt, I should just give it a try, because I could always change my mind after one date. Nope. Don’t wanna. Why go on a date with someone you had no desire to meet in the first place? First of all, I don’t think it’s fair to the guy, because me going into ANYTHING with such a piss-poor attitude is NOT a good thing. And I am the type of person who would hate the guy just because I was forced into a date with him, no matter WHAT he was like. Believe me, I could pick someone apart and find the stupidest or smallest detail that bugs me, and use that as a reason why I don’t like them. At least, as far as potential mates go.

Lately I have been contemplating my future, and honestly, if I wind up alone with the cats like I always joke about, it won’t really bother me. Right now I am concentrating on ME, working out, getting in shape, trying to get my finances in order… add to that being “mom” and I have no time for someone else. Ok, so maybe I just don’t WANT to have time for someone else. Because from what I hear, if you really, “truly love” someone, you will make time for them. Whatever.

Ok, maybe I am pretty cynical about the whole thing. But look at my history. Hell, look at Mr. South Side ALONE. That guy was NUTS. BUT – he was supposedly “totally in love” with me. ??? If that is how a guy in love acts, I want no part of it. I need my own space, and my own life. If perchance I meet some guy ON MY OWN and there is a “click,” I won’t deliberately sabotage it. Honest, I won’t. But if something is meant to happen, it will. There is no need to rush anything. Or to force the issue. Whatever happened to good old “fate,” people?? Leave me alone!!

So there you have it. In a nutshell, I do NOT want to be set up on a blind date, I do NOT want strange men having my phone number, and I do NOT want people trying to find me “the perfect man.” What I DO want is to be left alone and to control my own life, thankyouverymuch. I appreciate that there are people who think I am in desperate need of a man to take care of me, but I can assure you, I am not. I can take very good care of myself.


Anonymous said...

Greeting from Texas, enjoyed reading the JUNE/July in printed form when I was in Chicago. It was good to see Leo & Bernice and Ray and Cathy, and Dolores and Loraine. Have Ray tell you about his cuzin from Texas. Maybe we can talk from time to time.

Warmest regards,

Cuzin Don

Amber said...

She had me at "a little ponytail." And when I say "she had me" I mean "she had me running at top speed the other way." Ew.