Friday, October 28, 2005

A Child's Wishes

So as I was cleaning my (broken)computer desk area at home, I came across this old letter Lexie had written. If memory serves, she was probably about six or so when she wrote it, so just for effect I added her first grade picture at the bottom. You know, in case the letter itself isn’t enough to move you to tears, looking at that angelic little six-year-old face just might nudge you over the edge.

See, it’s things like this that make me both laugh and cry. First off, you can clearly make out the fact that she had originally written this letter to “god” and then changed it to “mom.” I’m not sure if this was because she didn’t think God would help her and had more faith in me, or if she figured since it was a letter, it should be addressed to someone she could actually GIVE it to. Either way, I found that kind of funny.

Then it makes me sad, looking at all the things she wished she had a dad for. Because she’s right, she got gypped. And no matter how much of an asshole her real father is, it really sucks that he never even TRIED. He has never even told her he loves her. Not even in that half-assed letter he sent her this past Christmas. “Kasper” was the after-school daycare that she used to go to, and I do recall her telling me how she thought it was cool that some of the kids’ dads picked them up sometimes. And then all the other things she wanted a dad for – “to give kisses to or hugs,” “to sit on his shoulders for fireworks,” “to help me with my homework,” “to wish with me for Christmas,” and one that broke my heart – “somebody to be my friend.”

How can a man live his life every day knowing he has a child out there and just not give a shit? Can anyone explain that to me? Because I can’t seem to grasp the concept of having a child but pretending you don’t. You know, even though he is over $30K in arrears in child support, I would rather have him call Lexie up and say, “I’ve straightened out my life. I’m sorry. I’d like to try to be a good father” than get a check for the full amount drawn on the Department of Health and Family Services’ child support account. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not want him in MY life. We never were a good match anyway, the only good thing between us is Lexie. But MY feelings are irrelevant here. It’s my daughter’s that are important.

But then when I read the end of her letter, it hits me. She didn’t want HER dad, she wanted A dad. Because she also wanted a dad to make her mom happy and to “kiss my mom too.” My little girl had big dreams of the perfect family, and it makes me kind of sad. Sometimes I feel like I’m not enough for her, and that she deserves better than just a single mom in a condo. Then I see her big “I Love You” at the end, and realize that what she wanted was for BOTH of us, because she DOES love me so much. She wanted me to have a husband like her friends’ moms do, just as badly as she wanted a dad. And I’ve always told her that someday, maybe, we would have that. And wouldn’t she be the lucky one, because she would get to help pick out her new dad! She always seemed to get a kick out of that.

In any case, four years later at age ten, my Lexie probably still has a lot of the feelings she had in this letter. But I also think that now she realizes how lucky she is to have other people in her life who are just as special as a dad, like her Uncle Bob and her Grandpa. And that whether or not she ever has a “real dad” in her life, she is truly loved.

Although I wouldn’t mind having someone around to make me happy and to kiss me too – after he helps Lexie with her homework, of course.


Thomas J Wolfenden said...

That made me tear-up...(Really)

And not all guys are like that you know...


Alice said...

oh my gosh... that is precious and sad and wonderful all at once. she is adorable and so cute, and how ridiculously sweet is she that she wants a dad so you can have a husband just as much as so she can have a dad?? dasi, this is too much on a friday afternoon... i need to go home and watch mushy movies NOW. :-)

Kiki said...

OMG that is so sweet and also so sad. Your daughter is so thoughtful and bright for her age!! Although she misses out on that father figure, you've been making up for it tenfold I'm sure. She knows it and she loves you!! That's what's important.

Amber said...

How come Alice always says the stuff I want before I get to? I feel exactly as she does -- what a great letter and definitely something to treasure.

You can rest assured that she will never need to write a letter to God to ask for a mom who will be all the things she needs, because she has one already. And then some.

dasi said...

You guys are all so sweet! As you well know, I DO try! Anyway, thanks for the compliments. I absolutely ADORE having things like this to hold onto, even when they are kind of sad! ;)

I’ll be back to fun stuff on Monday, I just felt compelled to post this. Everyone enjoy your weekend!!

Tim Hillegonds said...

Umm, yeah. That was a little hard to read. Being a father is an abused priveledge. i dont know what to say. I'm from the Southside, I'll fuck him up for you if you want, then I'll write something really mean about him and put it in the paper.

BB said...

I am so glad she has an understanding mom like you. Guess mom and God are equally powerful when you are 6 years old :)

Anonymous said...

YOu write with a great honesty and that reveals something that is very significant about you. Not pointing the finger, but asking the question why one persons heart can be so unattached to a child so significant and beautiful?

Great post.

Marissa said...

Lexie is absolutely precious. My eyes welled with tears as I read her letter, and even more when I read your interpretation of it. What I think, and I know Lexie thinks this too, is that the two of you together are a perfect family and there is enough love between you to fill the Grand Canyon.

dasi said...

Tim - feel free to kick his ass, but you'd have to be in Holiday, FL to do it, because that is where he lives with his wife and stepson. And honestly, the worst pain I can wish on him is nothing compared to what will happen when he finally realizes that he has screwed up any chance he had of a relationship with his only daughter. And I don't think I need to tell you about that pain. You are one in a million and thank God you realize how lucky you are to be a dad... There are some who just don't get it.

Beckibee & Marissa - Thanks, I'm very flattered.

Lance - Her father is (as I tell her, at least) very sick. He is a junkie and an alcoholic and chose that lifestyle over her. His new wife used to hold the crack pipe in one hand and her son in the other. I have my skeletons as well, which I have discussed with my daughter, but the bottom line is that for the past ten years MY life has been free from drugs and all about my Lexie, while HIS life... well, the sad thing is that she just may be better off in the long run, I guess. And thanks for the compliment, hope to see you around more often!

Cheryl said...

It's amazing what people will do to children. They are so innocent and easy to love and some people just can't. It is a refelction on your ex that he can't love his own flesh and blood, sweet little girl. She is missing those things but I don't think being around that would be good either. She'll have what she needs.