Friday, February 10, 2006

Proceed With Caution

Ok, I just found this picture while rifling through one of my several junk drawers... Presenting - The Loser. Now, keep in mind I was still in the throes of drug addiction when I was with him, and looking at this picture even gives ME the creepy-crawlies... if this isn't a good "Just Say No" campaign, I don't know what is.

I apologize in advance to anyone who just ate, has a fear of "Skeletor" from the old He-Man cartoons, or is simply extremely sensitive to scary looking things.

Thank God Lexie takes after me. And remember - DON'T DO DRUGS. Unless you want to sleep with ugly people, too.


Kiki said...

I'm sorry Dasi.
I'm sorry. Drugs can make you do crazy things.


Amber said...

Nightmares...oh the nightmares...

Miladysa said...

Ermm. Just a bad hair day perhaps?

Alice said...

you should totally bring this to the anti-drug league or whoever it is that made those "this is your brain.. on drugs" commercials. except this would be aired on like college campuses and stuff... in that same voice, it would go "Beer Goggles," all ominous-like, and show some like frat boy w/a beer gut. then "On drugs," and show the loser? :-)

Amber said...

Seriously. I can't stop looking. I don't know why.

dasi said...

Obviously, Amber, you are a masochist. And to everyone else, I SWEAR this is not an indication of my taste in men. BAD DRUGS!! Oh, and? Lexie will NEVER see this picture - because seriously? How would YOU like it if you wanted to see your dad and someone showed you THIS???

KC said...

My eyes!!!!!!!!! That picture should come with air sickness bag.
And yes, thank goodness Lexie takes after you! :)

Mr. Khurram said...

Life teaches us many Lessons, these Lesons can be effective only if we remember the Pain while we were learnin'. Hope you 're doin' good. *Smiles*

God bless you.....

Deirdre said...

Think this is the reason Marc was so bold with you? Eh? ... They can be (on occasion) quite realistic.

I hate waiting for your stories but at least now there's a face to the name...

dasi said...

Actually, Deirdre, the Loser WASN'T Kevin. He was a rebound FROM Kevin! If you want to seen Kevin, check this link:

Thomas J Wolfenden said...


I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life and I believe I am now sterile...

Cheryl said...

Wow, I never regretted my laser-eye surgery until now. I am going to sleep with the lights on tonight.

Miladysa said...

Kevin is NOT as scary as the Loser!

kris said...

We all have skeletons in our closets.

Deirdre said...

Phew! Kevin is WAY better looking than your Senior Rebound. He actually looks kinda nice holding that kitty cat too. Oh the deception.