Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Ok, for those of you who don’t know, I work in a large office building that is managed by Company X, and have worked here for going on 5 years. All the offices on our floor are pretty much separate companies, but we share the same kitchen on our floor. Most of the people are really nice, and I tend to at least say “hello” to anyone I pass in the halls or run into in the kitchen. This is because I am a pleasant person and not a bitch. Most everyone will say “hi” back, even if they don’t know me or I don’t know them. Common courtesy, you know?

So we have established that on our floor, every person I have crossed paths with is at the very least courteous. Which is why I am so frustrated and perplexed right now.

You see, since I have worked in this building, I have been bringing my own bottled water to work. We have no water cooler, and although Company X does provide their own bottled water, they charge $1 a bottle, which to me is ridiculous. So I buy about a case of bottled waters a week at Costco for like $4 a case, which runs about 13 cents a bottle. (Yes, I am frugal, at least with some things…) And every day, I bring in 5 or so bottles and stick them in the crisper drawer in the fridge in our community kitchen. For five years I have done this, and have had no problems. I just put a note in the drawer as well indicating that this water belonged to dasi, and it was left alone.

Well, after a five years, this sign had become pretty beat up. So I took it out of the drawer two weeks ago and tossed it, with every intention of making a new one. Then, as you know, Lexie got sick, and I was out for almost a whole week. When I returned, I strolled into said kitchen with a bag of four waters (since I knew I still had a few left in there), opened the fridge, and discovered to my horror that SOMEONE HAD TAKEN ALL OF MY WATERS. Ok, so I had been gone a week. And so the sign was gone. But does that give someone the right to just TAKE something that DOESN’T BELONG TO THEM??? I was ticked. But I figured that maybe it was an accident, maybe someone thought the water was Company X’s and therefore was for anyone. You know, since I tossed the sign and all.

So I put in my four water bottles, shut the fridge, and went back to my office. There I sat down, pulled out a sheet of blue copy paper, and with my permanent marker wrote “THIS IS NOT COMPANY X’S WATER. IT BELONGS TO A TENANT. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE!!!” Then I went back to the fridge and put it in the drawer with my four lonely water bottles (I usually have at least seven in there at any given time). The rest of the day was uneventful, and yesterday when I came in I had brought a generous supply of water – about eight bottles.

Stashed those bad boys in the fridge, went to work, and after I finished my first bottle, I went to get another. I opened the fridge, and SOMEONE HAD TAKEN THREE OF MY WATERS!! I couldn’t believe it! EVEN WITH MY SIGN THERE!! So I went and told one of the managers of Company X. She apologized, said she couldn’t imagine WHO would do such a thing, but she would replace my three waters with three from Company X. So I grudgingly accepted, but I was still ticked off at whoever was pilfering my water.

This morning, I come in and find three Company X waters on my desk. Along with the three I brought in myself, and the one left in the fridge, there were now seven bottles in that drawer. I drank one, which should’ve left six. When I went to get a second, there were only FIVE. WHAT THE FUCK???? Ok, maybe I miscounted… let it go. Finish that water, go to get another… Three left. THREE?!?! SOMEONE TOOK ANOTHER ONE.

Now, like I said, there is a HUGE SIGN WRITTEN IN PERMANENT MARKER actually COVERING the bottles in the drawer. Which means that whoever is taking them is actually LIFTING up the sign to get them. ASS!!! ASS!! ASS!! ASS!! MY WATER! NOT YOURS!!!!! I am beginning to get homicidal here. And I’m trying to plot ways to catch this jerk in the act.

As far as I’m concerned, there would only be three excuses this Water Thief could use that would pardon him or her:

1. Illiteracy (which I find hard to believe in an OFFICE BUILDING)
2. Doesn’t speak English (and if this is the case, they should DEFINITELY learn)
3. Blindness (but I’ve seen no evidence of any seeing eye dogs anywhere, so this is doubtful)

Actually, those excuses wouldn’t even pacify me. Because it is JUST PLAIN IGNORANT to take something that ISN’T YOURS. I think I learned that when I was, oh, say, TWO????? Grrrrrrr!!!

After some discussion with my co-worker, I have decided that I will now have to actually write my name on each and every bottle. But to be honest, I’m not even sure that will work. If they bypass the sign, will a name tag stop them? I guess I’ll find out. Maybe I’ll put one in there with no name and fill it with vinegar. Heh.


Amber said...

I feel your pain. We lease space from a Company X as well, and have turned one of our conference rooms into a lunchroom for OUR group only. We have a mini fridge, a microwave, a toaster oven -- the works. In said mini fridge, we have an assortment of pop and water. Employees of Company X kept stealing our drinks. We have a sign on the door of the room that said "This room and it's contents are for the sole use of *my company name*" -- not a deterrent. I made a sign that I posted on the fridge that said "if your name is not *list of all our names* and you do not work for *company name* NOTHING in this fridge is for you." That one worked a little better, but magically, all the thievery stopped when the employees of Company X moved to a different suite. Huh. Interesting.

I could totally go on. The people at this building not only have an inflated sense of entitlement, but also see nothing wrong with taking what is clearly not theirs. It makes me SO MAD.

Cheryl said...

We have the same problem in my office and the kitchen belongs to my company only. I have always gone by the rule: if I didn't put it in the fridge, I am not taking it out of the fridge. For some reason, other people can't. I think we should install those nannny-cam in work kitchens and see who the pilferers are.

That's just so irritating.

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Me being the devious smartass I am, I'd think of something to spike one of the bottles with...

Some sort of industrial-strength laxative, sit back and watch the fun...

But being you work for a personal injury bottom feeder (sorry, lawyer) I wouldn't reccomend that route.Liabilities and all... But it would be funny!

Miladysa said...

Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year!

BB said...

Bastards! I would write one each bottle: "I am a Water-Stealer!" and "Yo Soy Un(a) Robadora(a)!"