Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My OTHER Addiction

I am tired today. I think it may be because I got up this morning at about 5:30 am, when I really had no reason to do so. But then again, I fell asleep last night just before 10:00 while trying to watch the season premiere of Las Vegas, and that was just WRONG. It is a really good show, and I was pretty upset that my eyes wouldn’t cooperate with me and just stay open a little longer. If for nothing else, just to stare at Josh Duhamel and enjoy the view. So anyway, I fell asleep early, and woke up early. And I don’t feel healthy, wealthy OR wise, so I think that saying is just bullshit. I just feel tired. And when I DID get up at 5:30, I watched the end of Las Vegas and a couple more shows before I started getting ready for work instead of going back to bed.

Unfortunately for me, I absolutely CANNOT go to bed early tonight, because it is the season premiere of Nip/Tuck. Fall is a very difficult time for me, because with all the season premieres that I want to see AS THEY PREMIERE, I don’t seem to have a free millisecond available. After the first episode, I can usually just tivo everything and catch up on the weekends when it gets really cold and no one wants to go out, but for now since the weather is still nice and I am in my instant gratification phase – I need to watch these shows pretty much in real time (well, maybe a few minutes off so I can skim through commercials).

Yes, I know. I have overcome my addictions to drugs and cigarettes, but alas, my television addiction remains. And I fear it will always be a monkey on my back, albeit a very cute monkey that I really enjoy. I don’t know how things got so out of control, but at the current moment, I average about 30 or so hours of tv a week. But keep in mind that 15 hours are spent on All My Children, General Hospital, and Ellen Degeneres. So really, it’s only about 15 hours of prime time. But now there are NEW shows that I haven’t seen yet, but will soon enough… Hmmm, that even sounds low to me, actually… let’s make a list of all the shows I watch (or am planning to watch) on a regular basis, shall we (minus the soaps and Ellen, already mentioned them)?? Here we go:

Desperate Housewives, Las Vegas, Wife Swap, Medium, Big Brother, The Biggest Loser, My Name is Earl, The Amazing Race, Nip/Tuck, The Shield, Rescue Me, Reunion, Arrested Development, Lost, Invasion, Survivor, Everybody Hates Chris, ER, Three Wishes, Threshold, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Intervention, Celebrity Poker Showdown, Breaking Bonaduce, My Fair Brady, The Surreal Life, Being Bobby Brown, The Sopranos, Entourage.

I think that’s it. But do keep in mind that some of these shows are ending for their season, while others are just beginning. But as you can plainly see, I definitely have a problem. One that I have no desire to fix. Actually, when I bought my Tivo while they were still brand new, I justified it to my brother by telling him that yes, a Tivo IS in fact a necessity for someone like me, since I really have no other life. And actually, this damn tivo is just making my addiction even WORSE, because it always has links to these little teasers for new shows, which I really think it already knows I will want to watch. My tivo is like my dealer. Mr. Tivo plays all nice and records all my shows, and even suggests new ones… but every once in a while will tape the wrong CHANNEL or have the wrong INFORMATION, and then I MISS a SHOW and think “NO MORE, MR. TIVO!!” But then Mr. Tivo finds the same show and records it for me again, like an apology, and I am sucked right back in…

Oh, my God, I really need to get a life. After Nip/Tuck, though, I mean, come ON! Watching the Carver all set to destroy Christian’s face last season?? I HAVE to see what happens! Seriously, I can’t imagine abandoning ANY of my shows… I guess the networks will just have to start canceling them and then maybe if I just don’t start watching any NEW shows… Yeah, right. I’m pathetic, I know. But if you ever miss any of the above shows and need a recap, just drop me a line!!


Amber said...

I would have commented earlier, but I was busy watching King of the Hill, The Office, My Name is Earl and Law & Order:SVU. Just ask Kendra -- if you call between 8 and 9 on a Thursday and by some strange chance, I answer? Prepare to get reamed because dude? CSI IS ON!!!

dasi said...

Wow - that's kind of ironic that the ONLY show we share is "My Name is Earl..." I was tempted to start watching "Law & Order" as well as "CSI," and although I know they are great shows, I thank GOD I didn't. The only reason being is because they both have so many spinoffs (which you know darn well I would've had to watch as well) that I probably would've had to quit my job to have the time to watch them all!!

And I was right - Nip/Tuck was AWESOME.