Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I Can't Even Think of a TITLE!!!

This is freakin insane. But I have noticed that I am not the only person who is suffering from a major case of writer’s block. Or “don’t-feel-like-writing”-itis. Honestly, I HAVE been trying to crank out the next installment of “TBOTE,” I actually have some of it written, but I am stuck. The words just won’t come.


It’s not like I have a shortage of topics… I mean, I can write about my visit with my godson on Sunday, my HUGE fight with my daughter earlier on Sunday (and this time no grapes were involved), the fact that even though Baby’s glucose levels dropped considerably the stupid cat still managed to GAIN 5 ounces in two weeks (thus tipping the scales at a very unhealthy 19 pounds, 2 ounces), the fantabulous premiere of one of my favorite shows – “Rescue Me,” the Girl’s Nite Out I am looking forward to on the 16th (although it would probably more fun to write about that after it happens), the odds that the Cubs are in the process of making a MAJOR comeback and will make it to the World Series (ok, yeah, STOP LAUGHING. It can happen…), the odds that the White Sux will choke and wind up in last place in their division (hey, a girl can dream…), heck, I could even write about the fact that Newsweek did a new updated poll which apparently proves that I STILL have a chance of finding Mr. Right and getting married – even though I am so damn old.

But do I write? I do not. I guess technically I am writing right now, but all I am writing is fluff. Nothing substantial. Why? Hell if I know. Although I think there must be some kind of weird planet alignment or something, because as I stated earlier – I’m not alone. Which is good, because I feel less guilty. But you know it’s bad when you keep posting rerun posts (sorry about that).

Anyway, I seriously hope the planets realign themselves or whatever so I get my inspiration back. Thanks for continuing to check up on me (Statcounter is so cool!), it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And the way I figure it, after a literary drought like this, there is bound to be some good stuff itching to get out into blogland…


Okie said...

Holy shit! A nineteen pound cat?

Cheryl said...

Oh I saw that Newsweek recant in the airport in Fort Lauderdale. I think it's awesome. Go Cubs!

Amanda said...

don't you worry...sounds like you have lots of material, as you know.

inspiration will hit you soon.

Tim Hillegonds said...

Just so you know, I'm totally caught up on TBOTE. WRITE MORE!!

dasi said...

Okie - 19.2 now. Probably more by his next vet visit. Fatass.

Cheryl - Did you see Zambrano last night???? YAY!!! BTW - sorry, I've been slacking on comments. I owe you a bunch!

Amanda - It's starting to hit me again... right now, in fact!!

Tim - WOW!! Missed you, bud!! Ok, I'll try to get that out asap!!