Friday, September 29, 2006

Thank You

Know what? You people are so awesome! I really appreciate all the kind words. I haven’t jumped out any windows, in thinking it over a little more I realized that with my luck I would probably wind up injured just severely enough to rack up some serious medical bills, but not enough to miss work for any length of time. And really? I’m not that big into pain.

It means a lot to have people listen (or read!) and understand, and give me the sympathy I am subconsciously looking for. I know I’ll manage, I’ve survived through a lot worse, but sometimes it really seems like I am repeatedly pounding my head against a brick wall, you know? Yes, you do, as evidenced by all your comments. And in response to those:

Network Geek: I’ll be (choke) 38 in November – but don’t feel that old, at least not usually. I guess being old is really a relative thing, though, to an 18 year old I may be old – to a 68 year old, I’m young. And the picture was taken last Christmas – and really? Classic pear shape, those damn Irish hips and thighs are my downfall – and those you will NEVER see in a picture. Unless I can photoshop it. ;) I’m anal about my bills because of the years when I really didn’t give a shit and had really messed up credit… I finally got it back at a decent level and drive myself nuts trying to make on-time payments. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I feel I have to prove myself to people (read: my father) and NOT wind up in the red on a permanent basis. So I borrow from Peter to pay Paul. Not the smartest thing, I know, but for now, at least, it is working…

Rick: “Don’t give up before the miracle…” (Grin) Haven’t heard that one in a while! But you’re right, I have to have faith that things WILL eventually go my way. I’ve busted my ass too long to straighten out my life and do the next right thing to give up and miss the boat… Thanks for the reminder!

Cheryl: Yeah, you would think a 46 year old man would be responsible enough to support his own child, but then again, beer and drugs are expensive too – obviously he had to choose between those and Lexie… Oops, my bad – I cannot say for certain he is still partying, wouldn’t want to defame his character or anything… ;) And, ummmm, Cheryl, I know you mean well – but cutting off my cable would be like cutting off my arm. My right arm. That I use all the time. Because if there is one thing about me that everyone knows, it is that I NEED my tv. HBO I can live without, FX (Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me & The Shield), VH1 (Flavor of Love & Surreal Life), Bravo (Queer Eye, Blow Out) are necessities. Not to mention the regular network shows as well. I know, it’s pathetic, really, but I have this unnatural need to watch other people’s lives – whether they are fictionalized or real!! And the land line isn’t so bad, it is also used for my internet and has unlimited calling for a reasonable price. I think I’d actually consider giving up the cell phone before the land line. Old fashioned, I guess! ;)

Linda: FINE. I am so used to your not even caring!!! (Obviously, I am SOO kidding!! I’ll call you soon!! But I can’t do tequila – trust me on this…)

Hope: First off – I MISS YOUR BLOG!!! Second – the government SUCKS. It is so unfair that hard working people get screwed while the rich and the LAZY poor (those who just refuse to work to collect aid, or those who scam the system) get all the breaks. If I sat down and wrote about all the issues I have had over the years, it would take FOREVER. One ridiculous thing that I KNOW you will appreciate (being a fellow kitty lover) when Baby was really really sick about six years ago, the vet basically told me I had to either have him hospitalized (yeah, right!) or put him down. They suggested calling the Anti-Cruelty Society because they offered pet health assistance to low income families. I figured I’d qualify as a single mom who was barely scraping by. But when I called to inquire I was told in order to qualify, you had to have a monthly gross income level BELOW $800. Now, call me crazy, but if you are grossing less than $800 a month – HOW THE HELL DO YOU AFFORD A PET IN THE FIRST PLACE??? As it turned out, though, I found a new vet who discovered Baby was allergic to penicillin and cured him much more cheaply. (Yay!)

There. If anyone else responds, I’ll write a new "thanks a lot" blog. Seriously, I really do appreciate all of you – even the regular lurkers who don’t comment. Some I know (like various cousins and friends and brothers (well, the one and only brother) and one pretty damn fantastic aunt who shall remain nameless but who knows who she is… Yes, you, Auntie Margie!!) and some I don’t, but regardless, just knowing people are reading boosts my ego every day. And at times like this, when I am feeling pissy and sorry for myself, I am so grateful to have people like all of you to haul my ass back up and remind me that I’m still ok.

Ok, I’m so done with the mushy crap. Bottom line: thanks guys. Now I’d better get back to my hellish job so I can continue to make some money to pay the bills until my book sells. Which it will, I know, because all of you tell me it will. ;)


Rick said...

Yer welcome. Nothin' like a cliche to remind us how stoopid life can be.

Miladysa said...

It will!

Amber said...

Wow. Apparently I missed the commenting boat on this one. Or the previous one.

Anyway, I know it's hard right now, but have faith that things will work themselves out. I know, as evidenced from the past almost year...something right will come along for you -- in every aspect. I know it!!

Cheryl said...

Of course the real problem is that generally speaking I expect a lot of people, like a 46 year old man to choose blood over booze. I think that is what gets me into trouble.

That said, have you thought of doing like focus groups or online surveys for extra cash?

Keep going hon. We're all proud of what you're doing.

Marissa said...

We're pretty lucky to have each other here in the blogosphere, arent't we? I love the way we band together and support one another. There's no better feeling! You deserve only the best and ALL the happiness in the world. Never forget that.

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I feel left out...


Kathy said...

When I read your posts I just think about how we're all in this together.

My husband was recently told he has a 70% blocked artery in his heart that they just can't possibly fix. My son was just denied a school loan (he is a 5th year college senior and his school only allows federal subsidized loans for 4 years - I guess each school has different rules) so we maxed out our credit cards so he could finish. My daughter totaled our car (for the second time) from the onset of low blood sugar due to her diabetes. After we were told the insurance company couldn't hold us liable for a medical condition, they cancelled us anyway. And I just got a notice from the IRS stating I did my taxes wrong two years ago so I owe them $2800 ($700 of which is fines and late fees for me being stupid and not knowing any better). Did I mention I maxed out my credit cards so I have no way to pay the IRS or the higher insurance rates (if I can find someone to cover us)?

Somehow you make me feel less lonely in my sea of despair. I thank you for that.

Marissa said...

dasi -- i just wanted to say thank you so much for your wonderful comment. it really made me feel so much better -- how appropo that i'm leaving this comment to you on YOUR post about how people's comments helped you to feel better. ;) see, we really are all a loving, supportive group -- i feel so blessed to be part of such a wonderful community! anyway, thank you so much. i was upset at first, but now ... now i laugh at it, because honestly, what a grandiose waste of time. they spend their precious minutes trash-talking others ... what a way to live, huh? and hey, if you don't like someone's site, why read it?! that's just my 2 cents! anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Marissa said...
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