Thursday, August 31, 2006

No, I am Not Dead

So, yes, I am a bad, bad blogger. I know it, I own that fact. Believe it or not, I actually have started Chapter 36 – it just isn’t quite finished. But soon – verrrry soon. As far as WHY I haven’t been posting at all for the last week… hey, none of your business!!

Ok, so it is your business. Kind of. And technically HAS been your business since I started this blog and made a commitment to all the people who take the time to read. So the reason I haven’t been posting is actually a whole mess of reasons:

  • Satan has been on my case, MAJORLY (surprise, surprise!) and I have been in a ROTTEN mood
  • Lexie had the stomach flu yesterday (ok – only a one day excuse, but an excuse nonetheless)
  • I actually have been doing real WORK, not just pretending – partly to stave off Satan and partly because it needs to be done
  • I have been spending a lot of time worrying about the usual – finances, bills, and money (or are those all the same thing?)

I did, however, read my Writer’s Market 2006 last night, and it seems there are a whole mess of agents out there looking for new authors. Only, I really don’t want to query until I get TBOTE finished, in case they write back and say “Ok, let’s see this book.” But it’s nice to know they are out there, and kind of comforting knowing that someday I will be able to at least query these people and for once in my life follow through with my writing. Good thing #1.

Good thing #2 is that my co-worker has found a new job. Now, technically, that sounds like a BAD thing, because I will miss her terribly and will have a HUGE work load increase (and thusly may be blogging even LESS), but you must remember I work in a two-person support staff law office. Two people – her and me. And if you take away her, that leaves little old me. Whose ass Satan will have to kiss repeatedly to keep around. Because HA! He will need me desperately. I’m forecasting a raise and more vacation time as well. It kind of makes it a bit easier to put up with his bullshit and snarkiness, knowing that as soon as M puts in her two-week notice he will make a complete 180°. And if he doesn’t – well, let’s just say I’d love to see HIM try to run his office BY HIMSELF. So, extra work = BAD, but Satan’s lips permanently attached to my ample ass = GOOD. It will so totally be worth it.

I applied for a second job, actually, at a new restaurant in the area. Since I have about 7+ years experience, and actually really loved waitressing, I figured it would be worth a shot to apply for a couple shifts a week. Of course, they told me they would need me there before 5:30 during the week (not going to happen), but talked to me anyway. When I turned on the charm and schmoozed the hell out of the manager, he told me he may have to “bend the rules” a little. But so far, I haven’t heard anything. Oh, well. Although I am still hoping it may pan out… those few extra bucks would really come in handy. You know, until the big book deal and all…

SO. That is pretty much where things stand at this point. I will try to be more consistent with my writing, and try to get more chapters. TRY. That’s all I can do. No empty promises here. That said, it’s time to get some work done.



Anonymous said...

Don't you dare apologize for living your life and neglecting your blog... when you do get here, we enjoying following your life. And hey, everyone worries about the bills, is the carpet clean, what is for dinner...... Your doing pretty good.


NotCarrie said...

Hope you get the call back about that job:)

Miladysa said...

I really dislike Satan!

Looking forward to 36 :]

Cheryl said...

No worries. I hope things work out with the job stuff.

So, take your time, I will be waiting for you.