Friday, August 11, 2006

Alright, Already!

Ok, I had another couple of really strange dreams the other night, and what better medium to share than my blog? I know, right? So here goes:

The first dream involved myself and the Beatles. I was somewhere outside, I don’t even know where, to be honest, but all the Beatles were there. Even the dead ones. Only they weren’t dead. There was like a concession stand right nearby, I do remember that. Otherwise, it was pretty empty. Hardly any other people except me and the Beatles. Paul was being especially nice, talking to me (about what, I have no idea – I just know we were talking) a lot, and George, John and Ringo would occasionally come up and join in the conversation. Then they would just kind of wander and hang out near this concession stand. But Paul and I, boy we really hit it off. He was super nice, and put his arm around me and everything. I felt really comfortable with the Beatles (even the dead ones), and suddenly it occurred to me that I didn’t have my camera with me. I remarked to Paul that I wished I had my camera so I could have some pictures of me with him and the rest of the guys, you know, to show my friends and family, and he was all “Well, I’ll take care of that!” And he took my hand and we walked up to the concession stand and Paul asked the guy for a disposable camera and two packs of Marlboro Lights. Now, I haven’t smoked in almost three years, but when Paul McCartney buys you cigarettes, you accept them graciously. Only thing was, they were in a really weird package, and then I realized that I was in LONDON, and I was all like “Wow, not only am I hanging out with the Beatles (even the dead ones), but I am hanging out with the Beatles in LONDON! Cool!” And then John took a picture of me and Paul, and Paul took a picture of me and John and George (the two dead guys – how odd), and Ringo was looking for someone to take a picture of all of us.

END DREAM ONE. Yup, just like that. Because then I morphed into Dream Two (I do that a lot, have several different really vivid dreams one right after the other in the same night, I just don’t always remember them).

So in Dream Two, I was on a train – more specifically the L in Chicago. There were several fellow bloggers on the train too, I recognized them from their pictures. We weren’t really talking, though, just riding the train and swaying back and forth with the movement of the train and bumping into each other because it was really crowded. Then the scene cut to me walking down the street to Wrigley Field (for those of you who have lived under a rock or just don’t know baseball, that is where my beloved Cubbies play). I got to the stadium, and I had to climb up this really steep cement hill to get to the other side, where apparently my seats were. Only it wasn’t a hill, it was more like bleachers at a little league field, with nothing but space between each row. And there were plastic chairs attached to the bleachers, but they didn’t look at all safe to sit on, since these bleachers were like 50 stories in the air. Yes, it was unusually high, and I was freaking out and having heart palpitations because I was really afraid I was going to fall, but I just kept moving up verrrrrry slowly and carefully because I knew it was really important to get to the top and over to the other side. (Side note: If I ever did go to Wrigley Field in real life, and had to climb 50 story bleachers with seats and nothing but air between the levels to get to my spot, I think I would just go home and watch the game on TV.) SO, I did get to the top, and was trying to catch my breath and start heading down the other side to my seat when I woke up.

Ok, now comes the fun part. Lexie got a Dream Book for her birthday, and I looked up some of the key things from said dreams and this is what I found:

Dream #1:

The Beatles: “To dream of a band indicates happiness.”

Camera/Pictures: “Taking pictures indicates that the things you are doing at the present time will play an important part in building your future.”

Cigarettes: “To dream of tobacco in any form indicates that you should beware of reckless spending on frivolous objects.” (Clearly, though, this does not mean that I PERSONALLY should beware, since it was Paul spending frivolously... so I'll just ignore this warning.)

Being in London: “Travel, on the whole, indicates a restlessness within. This is a good dream, as travel indicates change.”

Dream #2:

Train: “To dream you are traveling on a train indicates an upset mental condition, or that you are trying to make a decision which will eventually lead to a change of some kind.”

Crowd: “To dream of being in a crowd where there is pushing and shoving indicates hard work in the future, or a struggle to accomplish something that is important to you.”

Climbing: “Climbing a hill and reaching the top indicates hard work with prosperity to follow.”

Chair: “To dream of a chair indicates financial, moral or spiritual support in time of need. This is a good dream.”

So there you have it. And the way I look at the interpretations may be way off, but I’m getting the impression that my dreams are trying to tell me to KEEP WORKING ON “TBOTE,” DAMMIT!! Because obviously finishing it will change my life for the better, and all you chairs (I mean, bloggers) are giving me the support I need, so I have to get a move on. Which, you may have noticed, I did do yesterday. But I need to stop with the looooong intervals and put my nose to the grindstone, I guess.

Bizarre the way the subconscious mind works, isn’t it?

Oh, and? My cell phone texted me the following horoscope this morning: “Do the research necessary to get your project launched; there are people who can guide you, you just need to find them!”

Thanks, cell phone. In any case, I guess I ought to end this blog and start churning out chapters and doing research then. I mean, I figure that’s what the Beatles and the Cubs would want too, right?


Rick said...

Uh-huh. I'm sorry, our time is up for today, Ms. Schaumburg, and I think we should schedule an extra hour for next week. Oh, and go get yourself a damned literary agent!

Good day now.

Anonymous said...

So, um, who were the fellow bloggers you recognized from their pictures? I can think of one there in Chicago that I'll bet was in your dreams. ;)
(No, not me, but someone actually from Chicago.)

Cheryl said...

You know it's a dream when you're climbing a steep hill in Chicago!

Keep going Dasi. Someday, if you keep trying like the Cubs, you could be as successful as the Beatles!