Thursday, July 20, 2006

In a Nutshell...

  • Work has been insanely busy, and Satan has been practically up my butt the entire past few weeks, leaving me barely enough time to peruse my favorite blogs, let alone comment or post my own;
  • I have gone to Great America about a gajillion times recently and have been exhausted and too tired to do anything except recuperate for the next visit;
  • Lexie had surgery on her nose yesterday (no biggie - just cauterized to prevent further nosebleeds - of which she has has several recently) and I had to be up at 4:30 am to get her to the surgery center on time, thus missing work and reinforcing my first point today;
  • The cat is still diabetic and even though I have been painstakingly consistent with injections, vet visits and food intake he has still managed to gain a few ounces on his last visit;
  • I have apparently become the sounding board for everyone I know, which isn't really a bad thing, but when I can't do anything to help I feel like a loser;
  • I have seen two ugly pincher bugs in my house over the past week - one I actually stepped on in my bare feet and felt squirming around (EEEWWWW!!) and I HATE those things, they give me the creepy crawlies, so now I keep watching for them to pop out everywhere, even though logically I know they probably won't;
  • I have two extra tickets for the Cubs game on August 1st, which is 70's night, (anyone want to go?) and may be forced to bring my daughter and a friend, which, although is not the worst thing in the world, isn't as much fun as just going with adult friends;
  • And finally - I know what happens in the next installment of "TBOTE," (duh - I lived it!), yet I am having a hard time getting it down on "paper." Partially because of the first point, partially because of all the other points.

So there you have it. For all three of you who are still remaining faithful to my blog. (Or maybe two - who knows?) I know I am lame, and the above excuses are also lame, but they are the truth, and they're all I've got. Bear with me, and hopefully I will manage to get back on track soon!

Oh, and? You can always just keep coming back to look at the cute pictures of my godson...!


Rick said...

Well, at least one of us is still here. ;-)
Seventies nights were made for middle-aged white guys, but I suspect the cross-country flight might cost more that the ticket. Hang in there

Leesa said...

So I thought the Cubs had enough problems as it is without cursing them with a '70s theme night.

Chief Slacker said...

Oh come on, a 70's night could be fun, Our kicball team had a blast of a time with it :O)

I'd go, but I don't think my cursed car could make the drive!

AvR said...

There is no lameness to your blog at all....AND I owe you a letter!

Amanda said...

don't worry! keep doin' what you're doin'...everything will come back around to a comfortable place again soon. i'll keep checking for those pictures, though. :)


word verification: zenfih (meaning: a state of calm, a archaic version of the word zen)

Cheryl said...

As you know from my most recent post, we're all a little lame lately. Still reading though!