Friday, June 08, 2007

School Days...

Hi! It's me, dasi! I know, I know... Does being totally EXHAUSTED excuse me from my blogging? Because between the two jobs, a suddenly sullen and attitude-laden daughter, a dibetic cat and a puppy who is growing more than she should (15 lbs already - and she's not even 4 months old!!), I haven't had time to THINK, much less blog. Anyway, I'm sure none of you have any sympathy for me. You don't care about my issues - unless I am blogging about them, right?? (Did I mention that being stressed and exhausted makes me chairman of my very own Pity Party as well??) Anyway, lucky readers that you are - this goes out to all three of you who still check my humble blog every once in a blue moon. It's actually going to be a very good blog, because it is about my grammar school reunion, and with PICTURES, no less!

So this was all a few weeks ago, after much planning and organizing the day itself finally arrived. I was really excited. Mary Pat and I got there early to set up, and Paul, Lynn and Sue showed up a little while after. Now, Paul and I have been in close contact for a while now, but Lynn and Sue I haven't seen in forever. And guess what? THEY DIDN'T RECOGNIZE ME!! I was really happy! Because, dear readers, in grammar school, you would know me as the girl with the glasses, bad perm, worse teeth, and unibrow. Yes, unibrow. I hate to admit it, but it is true. Can anyone say "awkward phase?" Heh.

So as the night went on, I continued to drink these yummy concoctions the bartender was making for me (cranberry vodka, pear vodka and lemonade - I think. I just kept telling her "make me another whatever") and since I don't drink very often anymore, I was EXTRA social. For instance, guess who was there? KRIS ROGOWSKI. You may remember her from this blog a while back. And guess what? She is still pretty snarky. I sat down next to her at the bar and told her she was really mean in grammar school. Her reply? "Funny, I don't remember being mean..." To which I responded, "Oh, you were, believe me! Actually, I wrote about you on my blog. Because my daughter has a friend who is just like you were. Or had a friend, actually. Because she really doesn't talk to her anymore. And I'm really glad, you know, because that girl is a little BITCH." After that, there was kind of a lull in the conversation. Go figure. But I tell you, it felt great 25 years later to finally confront her!! There she is, the short one on the end in the black shirt. And not to sound rude, (oh, hell, who am I kidding? I WANT to sound rude!!) but she should really start wearing a bra.
The other girls look GREAT, though - look at Suzy in the pink pants - she has FOUR sons - the oldest is 16. AMAZING!! And Julie, with the long hair and black camisole top? Two kids, 11 and 10. I think for the most part, our class aged well.

I've told you about Paul before, right? He was my unrequited love in fifth grade. I say unrequited because EVERYONE knew about my crush, and this is what he wrote in my fifth grade autograph book (yes, fifth grade authograph book. What can I say? We were a bunch of geeks.):
Broke my heart, the little shit. But as it turned out, we dated for a while in sophomore year in high school (once he discovered I turned into a "f---ing babe") as seen in this lovely picture (check out my Flashdance shirt - GOD I loved that shirt!!): Eventually we wound up just friends, and now he is living happily ever after with his true love, James. So I guess it is for the best that things didn't work out romantically... I love Paul to death though, and the fact of the matter is that we STILL make a damn good-looking couple regardless! My other grammar school crush Tony was there as well, only he was with his wife. He looks pretty much the same and is a real sweetheart. Here's my two grammar school loves:
He's a cutie, isn't he?? The only down side of the evening was the fact that three of our classmates were unable to make it because two had passed away, and the third, well... here he is in sixth grade:
AND, here he is now:
I tried to convince the rest of the class that we should take a road trip out to Logan the next day, you know, just say "hi" and maybe drop off his copy of the "Revue of '82" (our class variety show - he did a square dance, I bet his fellow inmates would LOVE it!!) but there were no takers. Go figure.

Anyway, that was my reunion in brief. I'd write more, but all that photo uploading took a lot out of me. And I really should do some work for Satan, since I am stuck here until November. But since we all had such a great time at the Reunion, we are now planning a picnic for all the kids and families too. Amazing how even after 25 years some bonds just never break...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A new post...what a fun surprise for an otherwise boring Friday morning! You look fabulous at your reunion. Better than the other women in the picture (IMO) which had to feel great. I hope you made Paul feel bad for his mean 5th grade message.