Tuesday, November 28, 2006

RL Redux

Well hello there!! Good to see you all again! I can't believe I've neglected this poor blog for a full two weeks, but alas, it's true. I have been pathetically lax in my posting, and even though I did say that this would happen, I still feel guilty. The thing is, I have been insanely busy, and when I'm not busy... well, I really don't feel like writing. Which explains the lack of Chapters, as well. Hopefully I'll get inspired to continue on that in the near future, since I swore I would eventually finish. And start a second book. Lofty goals for one who is so cavalier about her writing, I know, but it'll happen...

Anyway, I am loving my waitressing job. Even though I am one of the old fogeys now. No one even invites me out after work on the weekends!! I mean, sure, I wouldn't go anyway, but it would be nice to be asked. Last night I was listening to the young servers (you know, all the twenty-somethings with no dependents...!) talking about who made out with whom, who got drunk and passed out, who was texting so-and-so in the middle of the night... it made me laugh. A lot. Because it reminded me of my old days at RL - and yes, fun days they were. But the reality is that pretty much all I believe I am capable of nowadays is listening to their escapades, rather than actually participating. Funny thing is, I bet their partying jaws would hit the floor if they knew even half of my stories... which I think I'll keep to myself for now. Maybe someday I'll go out for one night just to observe the species in their natural habitat. Could be fun.

Of all the managers in the restaurant, only one is older than me, and it's only by a few months. The others are all about ten years younger. THAT freaks me out. I've never worked for anyone younger than myself, and I kind of feel like "yeah, right, kiddo - like I'm going to listen to your young-ass" but then I remember that that young-ass is my boss. Very weird.

And? Lots of cute boys. So all my young cyber gal-pals should definitely come out and have dinner here at the RL in Schaumburg. Because I could be arrested if I indulge. Well, probably not, but they all seem like nice boys that I am wayyyyy too old for. Even the one who looks like Justin Timberlake.

Wait - WHAT? Did I say that there is a waiter in my RL who looks like Justin Timberlake? Yes, I did. And given my feelings for Justin, I was initally a bit distracted. Especially when a busboy splattered the back of his shirt with French dressing and he asked me, "Do I have dressing all over my back?" and I kindly wiped it all away with a damp towel. Hopefully he didn't notice the slight tremor in my aging hand. Because like Justin, he is all of 23, and I am too old to be playing with boy toys. (And I will continue to tell myself that until my twisted brain accepts it.) Anyway, the more I get to know the guy, the more I like him - in a strictly platonic way. I'm beginning to feel like the older sister (I refuse to say "mother" cause I'm not that old) of these youngsters, and I really hope they don't all think I'm this old lady geek trying to be cool, cause I'm so NOT. Like I have to try to be cool. Heh.

As far as my "real" job - well, I still don't know much. So I really have nothing to share. Except for this discovery I made recently - Satan has been living a double life. Seriously. And I think I will end this entry with proof of this...

Here is Satan as I know him:

And here is his Alter-Ego...

You be the judge...

1 comment:

Rick said...

Well, look who's back! Good to hear the new job is going well, Justin Timberlake notwithstanding. (You know those young studs would jump your bones in a heartbeat if you just batted an eye... It's in their programming.) Yup, Satan is a jackass wherever he goes.