Monday, April 25, 2005

My First Post

First may I say, thank you dear brother for enlightening me to this wonderful world of blogging. Even though I think you only told me about it so I would stop calling you every time I had another interesting thought. I hope you realize that I WILL still call, though possibly not as frequently. Anyway.

Supposedly I should use this to "journal" - or just to spew forth whatever thought crosses my mind. Therefore, I think I will begin this by discussing stupid people. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OF THEM ON THIS PLANET???? It seems that every day, no matter what I do or where I go, I ALWAYS encounter at least one stupid person. Usually more than one. Now, don't get me wrong, I make no claim to be a genius myself (although I am quite close to it, just ask my mother), but it just seems to me that there is a vast overabundance of people who were short changed in the grey matter department. I'm talking people who are so stupid, they don't even REALIZE they are stupid. To me, stupid people who admit they are stupid aren't really stupid at all, the simple fact that they recognize their substandard intelligence indicates some form of non-stupidity. Hence, the only TRUE stupid people actually think they are smart. Or have no opinion on the subject of intelligence at all.

Take, for example, the "making up a word" stupid person. I have an acquaintance who insists on making up words at any given opportunity. He seems to think this makes him sound smarter. Unfortunately, hearing him say "we were standing around conversating" has quite the opposite effect. Kind of like nails on a chalkboard, if you want my opinion.

Then there is the misinformed stupid person. These are the people who will join in a conversation just to sound smart. They will discuss any subject the group happens to be discussing, even if they know nothing about it. And they will never admit to their ignorance. You could be discussing the latest developments in global thermonuclear war, for instance, and they will interject something like "I feel the government is not acting responsibly enough regarding that" - when you and the rest of your group were in actuality discussing classic 80's movies and not the government at all.

I could go on and on about stupid people, which I think I will, later. For now, I must leave , and try to avoid stupid people once I leave my office for the day.

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