Saturday, June 28, 2008


YAY!!! New picture - and guess what?? I've lost 23 pounds in the last 2 months! I think I look thinner, don't you? AND?? RED HAIR!! Of course, it's in a ponytail under a Cubs hat, but you can kind of see it if you look closely...

So it's Saturday night and I just felt like making that change - I can't stay on long enough to post a REAL entry or my daughter will have IMW (Instant Messenging Withdrawal). Then again, apparently she can also use her phone for this, as evidenced by last month's $500 phone bill. Yes, FIVE FREAKING HUNDRED DOLLARS. Because silly me, I figured a limit of 5000 text messages a month would be PLENTY for an almost 13-year-old... who knew she was capable of texting 8300 times in a 30-day period????

Thankfully, the people at Verizon were nice enough to change us to an unlimited texting plan and also make said plan retroactive, thus crediting my account close to $400. Yay Verizon!! So yes, this post was just all about my new cute picture and the fact that my darling apparently has fingers of fire.

But just as a hook to keep you coming back, I will post a picture of Lexie she took of herself a couple weeks ago. I plan on waxing poetic on the fact that my once sweet and innocent baby is now 5'8" and LOOKS LIKE A FREAKING 18 YEAR OLD. (I am now also accepting applications for anyone willing to follow her around and make sure to tell any male who comes near her that she is ONLY TWELVE.) Remember to keep checking back for those fun stories about Lexie I am promising! And I'll also elaborate on some good news about "TBOTE" - it looks like I may need to get my ass in gear as an established author thinks it is GOOD ENOUGH to actually be PUBLISHED and recommends I find myself a literary agent asap!

Without further adeiu, heeeeeeere's LEXIE!


Cheryl said...

Dasi, you look fab. Congrats on the weight loss!

Alice said...

hello hello! look at you with an update finally ;-) you look HAWT.

lexie = gorgeous.

heh, my boss (who i'm coming to chicago with, actually!) just had to buy a personal cell phone b/c she'd gone so far over the texting limit on her work phone that they called her out. seems like she & lexie should be text-friends :-)