Tuesday, January 08, 2008


This whole "do everything at lunch" thing is harder than I thought. I still don't have time to read everyone's blogs, and comment, and write on my own. Obviously when I worked for Satan I slacked off a lot more than I realized... Hmmm. Who would've thought? But now that I am a FEDERAL employee, working for the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, I need to do actual work during work hours. Which I do. And honestly? It is really interesting work. And I enjoy it. Plus, it is really cool to watch people's faces when you tell them you work for the US government. Especially when I have customers at RL ask me if I am a full-time server. "No, I work for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT," I tell them nonchalantly. Makes them wonder if I am really a CIA agent posing as a waitress or something. Tee hee! In any case, one hour is not enough time to blog and read and comment, plus on occasion I do get invited to lunch, so if I am sporadic with my postings, be patient. I will return, I promise.

My daughter Lexie is also very impressed that I have a cubicle. Go figure. I guess to a pre-teen a cubicle is cool. Now, I think it is cool that I have a boombox in my cubicle and can listen to whatever I want to, and I have a real nameplate. Just in case anyone forgets my name. Like you-know-who. What's funny is that I took a picture of my nameplate with my cell phone, to jokingly show off to my family, and my brother showed me his nameplate. Which he also took a picture of with his cell. Only, the reason he took the picture was this: Instead of reading "Bob Coolbrother," it said "Bobo Coolbrother." HIL-arious!! Actually, he kind of looks like a Bobo. Like Bobo the Clown. Maybe I'll make Lexie start calling him Uncle Bobo. Of course, she would never do that. Oh well.

So the point of this post was to let you all know that I will not renege on my promise, I will post as often as I can. But now I am going to read some other people's blogs. Which I had forgotten just how much I miss and enjoy. And if I get a chance, I am going to have to update my blogroll - some of you have vanished (boo hoo!). And post a new picture. We'll see how time goes.

Hasta la vista!!


Alice said...

haha, that's why i took my blogging hiatus.. and why my blogging is so sporadic now. actual WORK to do? wtf?! when am i supposed to BLOG?? :-)

Cheryl said...

Ah, new jobs are so exciting aren't they? I hope that you continue to enjoy it.

Amanda said...

it is like a job in and of itself! congrats on YOUR new job. hopefully you have a boss a little less like satan now. thanks for visiting me too.