Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Yeah so... hi. Notice I removed the last post - that is because there just MAY be people surfing the net that I do NOT want reading that. Not SC himself, per se, but - well, I prefer to keep my reputation intact. Not that I have a reputation - at least not anymore. I used to. Back in the fun days. HA!

Anyway. Life has been just so darn exciting I haven't had time to blog. Ok, that is an outright lie. Life is not exciting, it is mundane, but it sure as heck is BUSY. And adding a daughter who just started junior high to the mix makes things that much more frustrating. I think an evil spirit has taken over my sweet daughter's body. But what can you do? Guess I just have to ride it out.

I just read in the Tribune that some housewife got her blogs noticed by posting little stories on e-bay (I'm not too sure how that whole thing started, I got too po'd to read the full article, but if you want to, it is here) and now has offers from Nickelodeon, film producers, and a bunch of literary agents. Just by writing cute little humorous anecdotes about life. HELLO?? What does a gal have to do to get NOTICED around here??

Oh... yeah... maybe post a bit more often. And maybe actually write another chapter of TBOTE. But still. I'm kind of like that blonde in the lottery joke -

A blonde realizes she is going to be laid off from her job in the near future and starts panicking about money. "Please, God," she prays, "let me win the lottery. I am a good person, and I REALLY need the money!"

The next day she wakes up only to realize she didn't win. So she prays harder.

"Please, God! I can't afford my car payment and I might have my car repossessed! PLEASE let me win the lottery!"

And she still didn't win.

Finally, things are REALLY bad, and she falls to her knees, with tears streaming down her face.

"PLEASE GOD!!" she begs. "My mortgage is due and I have no money and I may wind up on the streets! PLEASE let me win the lottery!!"

Suddenly lightning flashes and a booming voice says with exasperation, "Help me out here - BUY A TICKET!"

HA HA HA!!! I guess I need to "buy my ticket" as well. On that note, I am going to pretend to work some more, and try to sweep the cobwebs out of the creativity section of my brain and maybe post more often. Keep your fingers crossed.


Alice said...

*all fingers crossed*

*...and some toes*

Cheryl said...

E-Bay? I don't get it. But I am too tired and lazy to read the article.


Fingers crossed here too!

Chief Slacker said...

Ahh! this is my problem, I haven't been buying tickets aeither. Silly, silly me! ;O)